An Ode To My White Friends

I used to think that a rise in nationalism in the west was the reason why things have become so polarized. So tense. Talking politics at the dinner table was never good, but has it always been this bad? The truth is that it’s not the fear of foreigners that defines today’s zeitgeist, but rather a seemingly inconsolable disdain for our own compatriots within our own borders. In that spirit, here’s an ode written by my inner Putin. Or was it Khomeini? Don’t remember. Doesn’t matter. Whatever.

Yes yes, my white friends.

Tear each other apart. Go ahead.

It’s what I want you to do. It’s your civic duty. It’s your end.

Turn on each other until there is nothing left.

Nor right. But a gaping hole, lubed and groomed for penetration.

It’s not rape, if you let me. But if you beat him, you can stay at my Inn.

Not the fields that darken. You’re better than him.

Oh, you didn’t hear what they said about you?

You cuck libtard. You Nazi hick.

Tim Horton’s** or Starbucks.

Doesn’t really matter. At both, I get a cut.

My white friends.

The End.

— The Foreigner

*non-whites, such as myself, have had our hand in this mess we find ourselves in of course. Just like everybody else. This poem is not to blame whites for anything— by any stretch of the imagination. But rather to point out that the fall of great nations happens from within. What’s the point of walls if your perceived enemy lives on your block? I first posted this on my Instagram and it was deemed “racist” by some Trumpists and subsequently removed by the forces that be. This shouldn’t happen on Medium. Me hope!

**a Canadian blue-collar coffee chain.


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