Salt Spilled
The private lives of immigrants remain a mystery to the average Canadian. Salt Spilled is a series of video installations that attempt to break open the walls between diverse communities — quite literally.
artist intent.
Salt Spilled was one of the first projection mapping video installations I did, way back in 2014. With this piece, I asked: what would be like to see through your neighbours’ walls? Through a seemingly transparent wall, Salt Spilled invited us to peer into neighbouring moments that would otherwise remain under wraps.
In this now socially-distanced world, where wider social nets cannot be cast – this project has become more relevant than ever.
I’m planning to do other iterations of this concept when the sun gets warmer. Check back for my updates.
Original concept - Maziar Ghaderi
Special thanks to Semco, Patricia, Dima, Shahrgaeh, Carlos and Jordan.