Shabeh Ehsgh
A live performance of Persian remixed pop songs that feature a glowing gown that reacts to the vocalist’s voice in real time. Shabeh Ehsgh means Night of Love in Persian.
artist’s intent
I wanted this project to ask: How would West Asians imagine their past in the future? How are our traditions, rituals and culture disseminated 100-150 years from now?
As emerging technologies such as reactive light and ‘smart materials’ are embedded into clothing are becoming more and more commonplace, I think the artistic possibilities for live performances that attempt to unearth the past in new, unprecedented ways are endless – Sabeh Eshgh is my first attempt that discovering the answer.
the trailers.
the show.
We premiered Shabeh Ehsgh for the 40th Rhubarb Festival at the Buddies in Bad Times Theatre for Valentine’s Day weekend in 2019.
Maziar Ghaderi / director, original concept
Amirali Kamali / music producer, arranger, violin, kamancheh & tanboor
Sara Ahmadieh / singer
Mona Moradi / percussionist
Jeremy Sykes / show switcher, software development
Maziar Ghaderi, Jeremy Sykes / visuals
Loretta Faveri & Egan O'Sullivan / costume